How much is the City Tax / person?
City tax in Domus Julia is € 7.00 / person / night
Children under 10 years old do not pay
Persons who are resident in Rome do not pay
What is check-in and check-out time?
Check-in time is 13:30
Check-out time is 10:30
What are reception hours of operation?
Our reception operation time is from 7 am in the morning till 1 am in the night, however, we allow and accept late arrivals upon agreement with the client who will have self check-in instructions after our authorization.
This will be done through the Extranet messaging system or by a Whatsapp message addressed to the client official phone number that should be included in the booking application.
For early arrivals we accept to store client luggage, for free, until room is ready. Meantime the client can have a nice walking tour in the historical center of Rome where we are located or have a drink in our courtesy bar.
What the most popular service in Domus Julia?
Our most popular service is the airport from and to airports and ports. Service can be booked directly after the booking process with the reception staff to arrange a pickup from or to the airport or a transportation to anywhere else.
For early departures (during the night) booking should be asked at least 48 hours befor leaving.